Benchtop Multiparameter
Untuk mengukur kandungan jumlah zat yang terlarut, daya hantar listrik dan kandungan garam dalam air
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- Autostable : Yes
- Benchtop : Yes
- Buffer Recognition : Yes
- Certifications : cETLus, CE
- Connectivity / Communications : Mini USB, USB-A
- Data Management : 500 data sets in manual mode and 5,000
: data sets in automatic mode
- Desktop Software Compatible : BOD Analyst Pro desktop software
: to automatically calculate BOD values
- Digital / Digital Sensors : Yes
- Display : Large, easy to read graphic display
- Equipment used with : Multilab IDS probes and accessories
- GLP Compliance : Yes
- Graphic Display : easy to read graphic display, Large
- Logging Capabilities : Yes
- Measurement Method / Channels : 1 Measurement Channel
- Measurement Range : pH - 0.000 to 14.000 (+/-0.004), Conductivity - 10 µS/cm
: to 2,000 mS/cm +0.5% of value (301710Y), .01µS/cm to 200 µS/cm +0.5% of
: value (301720Y), TDS - 0 to 100ºC (32 to 212ºF),
: "Dissolved Oxygen - 0 to 50 mgL; 0 to 500% air saturation, "
: Salinity - 0.0 to 70.0 ppt +0.5% of value
- Operating pH Range : 0.000 to 14.000 (+/-0.004)