Environment Air Quality
Untuk mengukur kontamiansi bakteri dan gas beracun dalam Ruangan
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1. Specifisifikasi alat Uji Kebauan :
- Tipe Sensor : MOS, Catalik, Elektrocemical dan Infra red
- Cara sampiling : Dilengkapi dengan pompa penghisap
- Tampilan layar : LCD-Menampilakan data pembacaan, waktu, satatus alaram
- : dan tampilan jika batterai telah habis
- Suhu pengoprasian : Untuk gas Combustible -40°C - 70°C
- : Untuk gas Toxic -20°C - 50°C
- Kelembaban : <95> - Sumber daya : Menggunakan batterai isi ulang DC-3.7 Volt
- Waktu pengisian batterai : 4 -6 Jam
- Menggunakan proteksi : IP-66
- Jumlah sensor yang terpasang : Sampai 6 sensor
2. Specifisifikasi alat Uji CO dan CO2 :
- Gas : Range
CO2 : 0 to 5000 ppm
CO : 0 to 500 ppm
- Temperature : -20 to 80 ºC
- Hygrometer : 5 to 95% RH
- Connections : 2 mini-DIN connections SMART-2014 probes
: and 1 micro-USB port for charging and PC connection
- Power supply : Lithium-Ion battery
- Memory capacity : Up to 1000 dataset of 20 000 points
- Operating temperature : 0 to +50 °C
- Auto shut-off : 15 to 120 minutes
- Operating environment : Neutral gas
- Conformity : EMC 2004/108/CE and EN 61010-1 directives
- Languages : French, English,
- Display : LCD 120 x 160 px, Dimensions : 58 x 76 mm, Backlight
- Key pad : 10 keys
- Size : 204 x 104 x 63 mm
3. Specifisifikasi alat Microbio sampler :
- Flow Rate : 100 l/min
- Sample Volume : 25 to 10.000 litres in 25 litre steps
- Sampling Volume Capacity : Up to 60,000 litres before recharge*
- Other Features : User programmable preset volumes
: Delay start sampling
: 16 character x 2 line backlit LCD display in English only.
: Record of samples and volume taken for maintenance/calibration records
: Tripod mounting bracket
: Padded carry bag supplied
: Audible indication of operation/status
: Sample cancel with actual volume
- Weight : 700 g
- Dimensions : 196 x 100 x 110 mm (inc. head)
- : 196 x 100 x 40 mm (case only)
- Power : 4 x AA Cells Alkaline or
: NiMh 6V at 350mA (maximum)
- Noise Level : < 75dB> - Operating Range : -10 to 40°C up to 90% RH
- Sampling Plate : 55mm contact plate or 90mm Petri dish
- Sampling Head : 316 grade stainless steel 220 holes of 1 mm dia. over a 50mm diameter area
- Measure air termperature 0.0~50.0(32~122F), accuracy:+/-0.6C
- Measure ambient relative humidity: 0.0~99.9%, accuracy:+/-3% (AT 25C,10~70%RH) , others +/-5%
- Measure Globe temperature: 0~80C(32~176F), full metal globe diameter: 50mm
- Calculate dew point , wet bulb , WBGT in seconds
- Indoor/Outdoor WBGT temperature in different formula
- WBGT indoor range: 15~59C( Accuracy:+/-1C), others +/-1.5C.
- WBGT outdoor range:15~56C(Accuracy:+/-1.5C), others +/-2C
- Measure barometric pressure range: 300-1100hpa ( unit : inHg , mmHg is switchable), accuracy: +/-1.5hpa
- Calculate Altitude with accuracy: +/-7.2M ( Under pressure 750~1100hpa) , others range pressure: +/-14.7M
- Functions: Maximum , Minimum , HOLD , auto power off , batter low indicator , 4-tier simultaneously display
- Temperature, Humidity offset function . WBGT audible alarm threshold setting function.
- Power: AAA batteries/ 9V AC adaptor (Included)
- Meter dimension: 162x58x32mm. Globe ball: 50mm. . LCD size: 48x33mm
Complete Unit
1 Petri dish and contact plate spring sets
2 Stainless Steel Sampling head
3 Printed operating manual
4 Multi-voltage Ansmann charger with UK, Euro, USA, Australia and 12V in-car plugs
5 Ansmann maxE NiMH cells - pre-charged so the MB1 is ready to use out of the box
6 Certificate of Calibration
7 Instrument
8 2 Sesnor probe CO, CO2
9 manual book versi Inggris
10 Certificate calibration
11 Carying case
12 Batterai litium
13 Sensor klorin (CL2) Range : 0 - 20 ppm
14 Sensor Hydrogen Sulfida (H2S) Range : 0 - 100 ppm
15 Sensor Ammonia (NH3) Range : 0 - 100 ppm
16 Buku petunjuk penggunaan alat dalam bahasa inggris
17 Carying case
18 Kartu Garansi selama 1 tahun