Hospital Air Contaminant Test
Produk berupa kit yang di desain khusus terdiri dari beberapa alat untuk pengukuran atau untuk pemantauan kualitas udara di dalam lingkungan / ruang di rumah sakit, baik kualitas udara secara fisik, kimia terbatas, maupun secara mikrobiologi.
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1. Multi gas Monitor Gas Monitor :
- Enclosure : Rugged ABS/Polycarbonate, UL94-HB materia flammability rating. - Electronics : Microprocessor based, menu driven, user configurable
- Sensors : Small, “plug-and-play” sensor modules with
: built-in E-EPROMs to retain calibration and
: setup information. Twenty-six different sensors
: to chose from, including five different sensor
: types. Consult list for gases, ranges and other
: sensor specifications.
List Sensor :
- O2 (Oxygen) : 0 - 25%
- CO (Carbon Monoxide) : 0 - 50 ppm (electrochemical)
- CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) : 0 - 5000 ppm (Infrared)
- H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide) : 0 - 50 ppm
- VOC sensor : 0 - 300 ppm
- Temperature : -5 s/d + 55 °C
- Relative Humidity : 0-100% RH
2 Pengukur Formaldehyde Debu PM 2.5 dan PM 10 µg
a) Particle Counter :
- Debu yang diukur : 0.3, 0.5, 1.0,2.5, 5.0, 10?m
- Debu dengan ukuran PM 2.5 µg/m3 : PM2.5 ?0~500ug/m?3;
- Debu dengan ukuran PM 10 µg/m3 : PM10?0~500ug/m?3;
- Daya hisap pompa : 2.83L/min, controlled by internal pump
b) Air Temperature Measure :
- Jangakauan suhu : "0 to 50ºC/32 to 122ºF; "
: Ketelitian : ±0.5ºC/1ºF
- Jangakauan kelembaban : "0 to 100%RH; "
: Ketelitian : ±2.5%RH (20%~80%RH)
c) GAS Detectors
- Gas Formalin (HCHO) : 0.01 - 5.00 ppm
- Gas Carbon Monoxida (CO) : 0 - 1000 ppm
- Kemampuan penyimapanan data : 500 data pengukuran
- Menggunakan batterai : Battery yang bisa disi ulang
- Tampilan layar : Berwarna dan dilengkapi dengan lampu layar
- Measuring units : °C, °F
- Measuring range : From -20 to +80 °C
- Accuracy* : ±0.3% of reading ±0.25°C
- Response time : T90 = 1 s for Vair = 1 m/s
- Storage temperature : From -20 to +80 °C
- Power supply : 4 batteries AAA LR03 1.5 V
- Battery life : 40 hours
- Range : 0,1 to 150,000 Lux
: 0,01 to 13,940 fc
- Capability : 3 days - 03D00H00M
- Specteral response : as perstandard photopic cuve
: V(?) NF C 42-710 class C
- Display : Backlit LCD graphic 128 x 64
- Language : French and English
- Keypad : 6 keys
- Digital Electronic : Low drift
- Working Temperature : 0ºC to 50ºC
- Housing dimension : 120 x 58 x 34 (without sensor)
- Weight : 185 g (housing + sensor + battery)
- Power supply : 3 battery 1,5V type LR3-AAA
- Battery live : 74 hours min, continuous operation
- Measuring Units : °C, °F %RH
- Range : -20 to +70 °C From 5 to 95%RH
- Accuracy : 1 ±0.4% of reading ±0.3°C
- Display : 1 line, LCD 1 x 5 digits
- : Size : 50 x 20 mm
- Housing : ABS, IP54
- Keypad : 2 keys
- Conformity : CEM 2004/108/CE and NF EN 61010-1
- Power Supply : 4 batteries AAA LR03 1.5 V
- Language : French, English
- Size : 147.9 x 71.5 x 34.2mm
- Battery life : 100 hours
- Weight : 200 g (with batteries)
- Type : Class 2
- Standard : IEC60651:1:1979, ANSI S1.4-1983, ANSI S1.43-1997
- Microphone : 1/2 Inch, sensitivity : 40mV/Pa, Freq : 20Hz - 12.5KHz
- Wighting : A, B, C, Z
- Range : 47dB(A) - 139 dB(A)
- LCD Display : 160 x 160 LCD
- Memori card : 4 Giga Micro SD
- Export data : Directly connect to computer, RS-232
- Powe supply : 4 x 1.5 Volt AA
- Size : 70 x 300 x 36 mm : W x H x D
- Weight : Approx 620 grm included batterai
- Calibrator : CA-115, 94 dB/114dB, 1 kHz
- Carying case terbuat dari fiber glass
- Petunjuk penggunaan alat dalam bentuk bahasa indonesia
- Software Aplikasi Pelaporan Hasil Uji, Mampu di instal di komputer sebagai data base
- Kartu garansi selama 1 tahun