Human Vibration Meter for Hand Arm and Whole Body
Mengukur Paparan Getaran Mesin terhadap tubuh
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Specification :
- Certificates and regulations
- Complies with the following regulations:
- ISO 8041:2005 and ISO 8041:2005/Cor1:2007
- UNE EN ISO 8041:2006 /AC:2009
- Mark. Complied with the directive on low voltage 73/23/EEC and direc-
tive CEM 89/336/EEC modified by 93/68/EEC
The complies with directives 2002/96/EC and 2003/108/EC on WEEE
(Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
- Range of linearity
- Hand Arm Application
- At reference frequency of (80 Hz): acceleration in m/s?2;
- Band limiting Wh
- Upper limit 3800 0,038
- Lower limit 767,6 0,038
- Whole Body Application
- At reference frequency of (80 Hz): acceleration in m/s?2;
- Band limiting Wh Wk
- Upper limit 380 47,918 293,284
- Lower limit 0,0038 0,0038 0,0038
- Whole Body in Buildings Application
- At reference frequency of (16 kHz): acceleration in m/s?2;
- Band limiting Wm
- Upper limit 76 25,55
- Lower limit 0,00076 0,00076
- Structure Application
- At reference frequency of (16 kHz): velocity in m/s?2;
- Band limiting
- Upper limit 1,0748
- Lower limit 0,000010748
- Maximum error in frequency measurement: 2%
- Total noise inherent in environmental conditions
- Hand Arm Application, with
- Total noise 0,00365
- Whole Body Application
- Wd Wk
- Total noise 0,00191 0,00181
- Whole Body in Buildings Application, with
- Wm
- Total noise 0,00012
- Frequency weighting
- Hand Arm (HA): Wh
- Whole Body (WB): Wd, Wk
- Whole Body in buildings (WBB): Wm
Acessories :
- Kabel data to computer
- Software
- Carying case
- Sensor Whole Body & Hand arm
- Sensor Hand Arm
- Kartu garansi selama 1 tahun