Simple Microbiology Test Kit For Puskesmas
Untuk mengukur / memeriksa Bakteri di Air Minum dan air bersih
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1. Specification Incubator portable :
- Dimensions : 34.4 x 14.6 x 29.7cm
- Test Capacity : 16
- Filter Size: : 47mm / 0.45µm pore size
- Incubator Temperature : 44°C
- Power Source : Internal battery
2. Mikrobiologi Test :
a Deteksi Coliform NPN Metoda (200 Test)
- Incubation Temp : 44°C,
- Fastest detection : Less than 8 hours
- Reading Result : Coloni
b Deteksi E. Coli NPN Metoda (200 test)
- Incubation Temp : 44°C,
- Fastest detection : Less than 8 hours
- Reading Result : Coloni
Kelengkapan alat :
1 Membrane Filtration assembly
2 Bronze disc
3 Pistol grip vacuum pump with no-kink silicone tubing
4 5 Media Measuring Devices (MMDs)
5 38.1g Membrane Lauryl Sulphate Broth
6 5 Pasteur pipettes
7 1 hand lens
8 40 Aluminium re-usable petri dishes
9 200 sterilised and sealed membrane filters
10 200 absorbent pads
11 1 absorbent pad dispenser
12 1 steel sampling cup
13 "1 sampling cable Polypropylene 250ml beaker"
14 38.1g Membrane Lauryl Sulphate Broth
15 5 Pasteur pipettes
16 1 hand lens
17 40 Aluminium re-usable petri dishes
18 200 sterilised and sealed membrane filters
19 200 absorbent pads
20 1 absorbent pad dispenser
21 1 steel sampling cup
22 "1 sampling cable Polypropylene 250ml beaker"
23 Quick start prompt cards